Book Reports

4th Grade Reading Log

Each student is expected to read a minimum of 20  minutes daily at home. The students must write the name of the book they read, and complete a sentence summarizing what they have read EACH day. Parents will need to sign the reading log on a DAILY basis. There will be one book report due each month. The book reports focus on different genres of books to give students the opportunity to try new things. Due dates are clearly given in the Reading Log, and there are examples of each type of report.


Biography Due: Tuesday, February 28

This month you will be reading a biography or an autobiography (for example: Who Was Benjamin Franklin?). The book must be at least 110 pages and must be approved by your teacher.
This month, you will be writing a one to two page essay about the person who you read about. The first paragraph should tell here the person was born, where they lived, what they did that was important, and give examples of their character traits (i.e. honesty, intelligence, friendly). The second paragraph should tell what you learned from reading this book. Each paragraph must be at least five sentences and include all of the necessary information. Use opening and closing sentences for your paragraphs.
You will also draw/ paint an original portrait (picture) of your person mounted on poster board or construction paper. You will present your report and portrait during Literacy Night; which will take place on March 9, 2017 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

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